Friday, July 20, 2007

Installer Status Update

Hi everyone. Well, the past few days have been very productive and very exciting. A lot of tricky hangups have begun to get resolved. First, I'd like to comment on the installer that is already out there.

On my system, the dependency installers wait for the previous one to finish prior to launching. When I tried to create an updated build of the installer yesterday, this was not the case. In fact, the behavior was very sporadic; sometimes there was a bit of a delay, other times they were all spawned at once. If you run into this issue with the installer, you will most likely have to go through all of the needed installers when they come up, but then run the installer a second time, but cancel the installers then. Otherwise, if you didn't have MySQL / Tomcat, the installation couldn't possibly be successful, etc...

I have opted to not fix this issue for a few reasons. Mainly, once the dependency checking is in place, the installation of these applications will happen in a completely different fashion. I've obtained "binary" zipped versions of MySQL and Tomcat, and those dependencies will happen in that fashion. Java will be the only dependency that uses a setup exe, but that is easily handled silently with command-line switches.

So, my focus now will be getting the dependency checking to a good beta maturity so that the rest of the installer can come together. One nice thing I have found out how to do is multi-input dialogs. This means you'll have one dialog to enter all of your MySQL information, and then another dialog for all of your Tomcat information, and etc... for any other data we may need to obtain in the future. This is a big improvement upon the current version in that there is only one input per screen.

My goal is to have some sort of updated installer every week, ideally on Thursday or Friday evening, but I may change this to Sunday to allow me to have some extra cram time during the weekend to complete some work. This week the "update" came on Tuesday, and you would have had another one last night, but due to those issues I touched on earlier, I didn't want to send out a horribly broken installer. I'd really like to know why it decided to behave completely differently this time, but oh well.

So, plan on an updated installer by next Sunday at the latest, next Thursday at the earliest. Until then, take care.

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